Monday, February 15, 2010

Triumph? not so fast Buster...

A few weeks ago (almost one month ago!) I though I blew my last chance to get a good (but cliché) photo with snowdrops and snow but many things happened since then: snow and freezing cold, huge snow and so on. However, last week-end it looked like the spring finally triumphed and I got my snowdrops cliché:
snowdrops /ghiocei

It was warm and sunny and the little resilient managed to find their way out:
snowdrops /ghiocei snowdrops /ghiocei

My joy was premature, this morning the winter was in full swing again, the place of my little snowdrops went from that to that (today's photo are a bit rushed, I was already late for work):
snowdrops /ghiocei snowdrops /ghiocei

And the little guys are fighting and still holding:
snowdrops /ghiocei

Who will win in the end? Place your bets...

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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